Monday, November 18, 2013

World Unwar: Part 2

Greensboro, North Carolina – In the last several hundred years, our planet has gone through major revolutions in thought, in organization, and technology. We went suddenly from our fastest form of communication being a galloping horse, to being able to send messages to people on the other side of the world within seconds. The world has gone digital. Information is within reach of anyone. We can instantly find out when Queen Elisabeth I was born, and who won the super bowl twenty years ago. We can build skyscrapers over a hundred stories high; we can send a man to the moon and bring him back alive. 
And yet mankind still goes to war.
Like the monkeys in the jungles who crash each other’s brains in with sticks, we make war, just with more sophisticated sticks. It is an unfortunate reality. There are still those nations in the world who will not listen to reason. Who are ready to blow up their nearest neighbors to make points, and there are groups who kill to make statements. Technology has made mankind no better.
When wars end, their consequences do not. The boys do not all come home. The destruction takes years to clean up. In Europe, in some places, farmers must plough their fields with bombproof bottoms on their equipment because of the mines and undetonated shells and bombs that still lie there from World War I.
We must find ways to avoid war. Many nations, groups and individuals still have time bombs lying beneath the national physic. Old prejudices that this color is better than that, or that those of this denomination should all be run out of town or that if you speak a certain language you must be inferior. These are things that need to be talked through, if at all possible, with every other measure than war.
The reason this article is called World Unwar is because there are those that believe that World Peace is something only evil people would seek. Such as the Scriptural Antichrist. However, a call for world peace is not a call for a single one world government, it is something that Christ called for when he said that the greatest duty of man, after loving God, was to love his neighbor.

Andrew C. Abbott

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