Monday, April 1, 2013

"Evidence" for Evolution

If one reads modern books, peer reviewed articles, or watches documentaries on science, it will quickly be seen almost everything is given a date. The “age of the dinosaurs” was 65 million years ago, there was the tertiary age, the Cambrian, and the carboniferous. These names and dates are taken from the types of rocks, layers, and fossils found in them. Although not all of the ages date back millions of years.
Think of it this way. In the rocks there are different minerals, that, slowly, over time, turn into other minerals; such as rubidium to strontium, potassium to argon, and samarium to neodymium. Each of these parent isotopes, (rubidium, potassium etc.) has a half-life of a certain amount of time, varying from many years to hours or even minutes,while slowly part of it turns into the daughter isotope. If you think of it as an hour glass, with the parent isotopes in the top and the daughter isotopes at the bottom, and see sand in the top slowly going down to the bottom, you would propose that, to find how long the glass has been turned you would count the amount at the bottom, and measure how fast the sand is currently falling, and then come up with you time frame. The time frames they come up with are almost always on the scale of millions to billions of years.
If this method is used for radioactive decay rates in rocks, (and it is) then it should be accurate, or so some would say. However, that is not the case. Of course we must begin with assumptions. That the rate is constant throughout history and that the rock began with no daughter isotopes, etc. This is difficult and usually impossible to prove. We cannot be certain there was no contamination, and this method only works with slow and gradual processes, which are sometimes ruined by large catastrophes, such as a worldwide flood. Since we cannot look at the past, we cannot say that the radioactive rate of decay has always been constant.
On May 18, 1980, in Washington State, at Mt. St. Helens, after the mountain’s eruption, a new lava dome began to form from October 26 onward within the volcanoes crater. In 1986, a K-Ar date yielded about 350,000 years for the whole rock, and the constituent minerals yielded dates up to 2.8 million years.(1)
In other words, rocks only about 6 years old dated at about 2.8 million-reliable? This is not an isolated incident. It is, again, impossible to tell the past history of the rock, and the many assumptions made in dating always give largely inflated numbers. In fact, diamonds have yielded dates older than the earth is supposed to be old, even from an evolutionary standpoint.(2)
The RATE project, done by ICR, found that radioactive crystals called zicrons have small amount of U238 in them, which is slowly changing into lead, however, as they do, they emit small amounts of helium. However, in the crystals examined, there is still a great deal of helium, too much for the earth to be not 4 billion years old or older.(3)
The following quote comes from an evolutionist, professor Brew. If a… date supports our theories, we put it in the main text. If it does not entirely contradict them, we put it in a foot-note. And if it is completely ‘out of date’ we just drop it. (4)
 Not necessarily fair and reasonable science with an objective attitude. However, protected theories are difficult to dissuade people from, because that would be allowing a Divine Foot in the door.
Through His Strength We Will Conquer,
Andrew C. Abbott

1: Snelling, 2009.
2: ibid.
3: Humphreys. 2003.
4: quoted by Snelling, 2009.

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