In New York, a large and influential state, Alexander
Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay collaborated their efforts to write a
series of 85 essays on the constitution to be published in the various
newspapers of the state. Written about the constitution by men who had a hand
in making it, these papers give us deep insight into what the founding fathers
really thought about what they did.
Some of what they believed may be surprising to you. For
instance, they did not believe that there should be a bill of rights to the
I go further, and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the
extent in which they are contended for, are not only unnecessary in the
proposed Constitution, but would even be dangerous… Why, for instance, should
it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, when no power
is given by which restrictions may be imposed?1
Hamilton, Jay, and Madison believed that the constitution was
to tell the government what it could do, and that any power not given to it was
for the states respectively, or to the people.2
They understood that they could not hope that men would be
good, since power is a corrupting force.3 Rather, they sought to
place checks, balances, and restraints upon power, to be certain that politicians
would not abuse it.
They also understood that no government was perfect, but that
they had done the best they could.
A NATION, without a NATIONAL GOVERNMENT, is, in my view, an awful
An imperfect government was better than none at all. There
would, they understood, be problems along the way, the journey might at times
be rough, the going wouldn’t always be easy, but that was the American way, that
we would get through it with hard work, by working together, by building a new
Andrew C. Abbott
1: Federalist 84: Hamilton.
2: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution.
3: Federalist 51: Madison.
4: Federalist 85: Hamilton.
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